Sunday, December 25, 2005

How to do sushi

I know some of you out there like the rolls, this is worth a watch.
How to properly eat sushi

Not all documentary's are informational.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

SoCal Fastlane Rules

1. If you are not going 65+ get out of the fast lane.
2. If you are going 65 and there is a 1/2 mile gap in front of you, get out of the fast lane.
3. If at any time there are more cars behind you than in front of you, get out of the fast lane.
4. If the freeway average is 65+ you need to be at or above the average speed to use the fast lane.

If we can follow these simple rules we can all get where we are going with much less aggravation.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


I like this kind of news

Off the planet
An interview with Matt Groening and David X. Cohen

Sega and the big N to wed?

From vague references thin on details, Sega may be working to have backward compatibility on the Nintendo Revolution! One could play all those great Sega titles the hedgehog? but theres nothing saying they wont have the ability to play dreamcast games.

This system could actually be a revolution.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Hey Crackhead!

An open letter to the crackhead that stole his sparkplugs.

Hey Crackhead

A Warning Of Sorts

You never know who's on the other end of the chat. It could be somebody you already know.

One man's experience

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Oh yeah

by the way i got my card reader, so now I can post pics.

Working hard

I know at least one of you guys will appreciate this.

Oh yeah the taper on the thin side is 5/8" to 3/8" !

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Real patents

This could save lives
Toilet Snorkel
But do you really want to have to break the glass on the toilet snorkel and fish it through the toilet to breathe poo air, or try to exit the building in a safe manner.

Smell This
Someone has managed to invent a...cup. wow brilliant you made a plastic cup.

For transporting a fine imported cuban...banana (bananas, go go bananas)
Banana Suitcase

This is just cruel
Bird Trap Cat Feeder

Monday, December 12, 2005

Japanese Jr. High School Adventures

Came across this a few days ago, this guy is in Japan in the JET program teaching english, these are some of his stories.

I am a japanese school teacher

Pencil Art

I could do that, I just don't want to.

Pencil Carving - Ball Joint

Pencil Carving - Sidewardy Expansion

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Rest in Peace Mr. Pryor

Richard Pryor

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Grand Theft Lego

Great use of stop motion, plus GTA is cool.

Grand Theft Auto: Lego City

Also soffit's SUCK!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Some people just shouldn't use computers.

Found this one on, if you are at least familiar with computer innards, and the winders OS then you may have a laugh or two.

Stupid Computer Tricks

Saturday, December 03, 2005

How to do phone like a working artist.

Six easy steps to boost your demand, and hopefully get more work.

Addison Road - How to do phone like a working artist

A plea for thicker glass.

Even though you know it’s coming, you still can’t help but laugh …


Friday, December 02, 2005

Best breakup letter ever!

It's kinda long but worth the read. Odds are this will top any other breakup you've heard of or been through.

Best breakup letter ever