How to do sushi
I know some of you out there like the rolls, this is worth a watch.
How to properly eat sushi
Not all documentary's are informational.
This is where I may rant, complain, talk about my day or more likely this is where i will post the weird crap i find on the web.
I know some of you out there like the rolls, this is worth a watch.
1. If you are not going 65+ get out of the fast lane.
From vague references thin on details, Sega may be working to have backward compatibility on the Nintendo Revolution! One could play all those great Sega titles the hedgehog? but theres nothing saying they wont have the ability to play dreamcast games.
You never know who's on the other end of the chat. It could be somebody you already know.
This could save lives
Came across this a few days ago, this guy is in Japan in the JET program teaching english, these are some of his stories.
I could do that, I just don't want to.
Found this one on, if you are at least familiar with computer innards, and the winders OS then you may have a laugh or two.
Six easy steps to boost your demand, and hopefully get more work.
It's kinda long but worth the read. Odds are this will top any other breakup you've heard of or been through.