Expensive Ceilings
Ok, at work we have FINALLY finished one nightmare of a job, with a first time interior designer, (or still in school, we haven't decided), that couldn't make up their mind about simple things, and in their infinite wisdom decided to use Billo 3-D ceiling panels, the standard ceiling panels can run about $2 for a 2' x 4' panel the nicer panels run about $10-20 for a 2' x 2', these Billo panels are $50 EACH! and they aren't as thick as you'd expect for that kind of money, these thing are flexible! if you just support one in the center convex side, it goes concave on you. We installed 89 of these flimsy $50 panels. Quick math time ..... $4450 before tax (estimate with tax $4828) and that's without installation. Here are a couple pics of these ceilings, and there is one more room I forgot to take a pic of but it has like 12 panels in it.



A $400 kitchen skylight

I think it looks better without light from behind.

The longest hallway in the business park, I think it's ~90 foot long and spans 4 suites. And it's straight all the way, pretty good for having built the 45 foot halves about 6 months apart with a wall in the middle dividing the 4 suites in to "1-2 wall 3-4", this probably makes no sense having never seen how it went together, and be thankful you didn't.
Oh yeah "I love toys" on VH1 rated Nintendo Entertainment System #21, and the Gameboy #50 I think
Those things are so anti-climactic compared to what I figured. And they do look better with the lights off.
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