Sunday, February 19, 2006

PETA- they don't really want you to have a pet.

I came across this page highlighting the Truth About PETA , while reading this got me pretty pissed. These guys try to come across as good people, like they are trying to help the treatment of pets, and other animals. They are trying to ban various breeds of dogs just because a few of them have had some issues with bad character traits, that were bred in by people. This legislation is mostly for pit bulls because of the fighting that has been bred into some of them,because the PETA founder had a bad experience with a pit bull.
They don't want you to kill chickens for food, foxes for fur or frogs for dissection, but they do support the killing of innocent pit bulls, that have done nothing except but be the wrong breed. PETA supports this breed specific legislation, but not just for pit bulls, but for ANY breed. They specifically mention Rottweilers, Dobermans and other "guardian" breeds. They see it as a first step to banning the ownership of any pet animal. These people want to try to ban the pet...can you imagine not being allowed to have a dog or cat as a pet? This doesn't just apply to those animals but also to fish, birds, reptiles, and other small rodent type creatures.
These genius's think it's cruel to keep a pet. But most of these pets pretty much rely on humans for protection, food, and companionship. Have you ever seen the rare and very deadly wild beagle? No? Oh yeah they don't exist, they wouldn't survive in the wild.

So I won't be supporting nor donating any money to PETA any time soon.
PETA kills animals


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