Monday, May 01, 2006

An idea for the immigration issue.

Ok, so we've all seen the protests and marches so you all know what's going on. My idea is to not just give amnesty to those that have come here illegally, it's to make a crash course citizenship course like 6 classes total, that run one class multiple times each day monday through saturday, and offer these classes for one year. The classes can be taken in any order. These classes will make the takers ready for the citizenship test. All that's required to take the classes would be a photo ID of any legal kind, and proof that you've been in the country for at least one year. The classes would be free. They keep saying they come here to work and make a better life, this is the last step to getting that better life, better pay, and the ability to vote bush out of office.

Then after the classes end, make the process to become a citizen faster and a bit cheaper. And make getting in illegally pretty much a waste of energy. If they still come in illegally they should actually be deported and pointed toward the classroom to get their citizenship.

But these are just my crazy ideas, they are probably impossible and they wouldn't help line the politicians pockets, so it would never happen anyway.


At 4:05 PM, Blogger De Boll Weevil said...

Oh E,
I like it....being that Nash and I are trying to do it the right way and it's taking forever. Somthing needs to be done for the next 10 years...I'm not a mean guy but we have to start getting things under controll.

So I'm with ya dawg....

De Boll Weevil


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